Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Yona of the dawn

Yona of the Dawn is a anime that has been popping up here and there so I decided to finally watch the anime. Unfortunately the anime seems to leave off before the manga ends so I will be reading the manga to find out how the story ends. There will probably be a part two to this blog someday then because I truthfully don’t know how it ends or where it is going with the story. Normally I try to be spoiler free but it’s a little hard to do that with this one because the first episode has a big one and the first volume has it too. So, I am giving out a SPOILER WARNING now. ……

Ok well the story is about a young princess named Yona who has everything. She is very carefree and only wants to be with her childhood friend/cousin Soo won. 

Her bodyguard is her other childhood friend Hak, they all three grew up together and seem to be close. 

Hak knows of Yona feelings for Soo won and even basically gives his blessings. I intently liked Hak more yes he is a little more bad ass but he can be funny at times and just seems more balanced. Soo won is very aloof and seem to just be happy go lucky kind of person. He is also Yona’s 1st cousin witch I know anime is all ok with that but still creeps me out a little 2nd 3rd I deal with it better but 1st ….. not so much.

Well anyway she tells her dad she wants to marry Soo won and he basically forbids it and says he has given her anything her hearts desired but this is one thing he cannot do. He never really explains why but I thought family maybe or maybe he would not be a good ruler because he is so soft spoken.

     Any way on her 16th birthday Soo won gave Yona a hair pin and told her he loved her hair. She was so happy that night she decided to go to her father’s room and plead with him to please let her marry Shoo won. Unfortunately, when she gets there she sees her father murdered by


 SOO WON  he apparently has been planning this for years because he says his father was killed by hers. Which is a little hard to believe because her father hatted violence and forbid it. Soo Won asked why she was there and she told him to basically beg her father to let them be together. Other people and guards come and they are all on his side she runs confused and dealing with the fact she just watched her dad die she gets caught and is about to die when of cores her bodyguard jumps in to save her.
Hak seems just as surprised as Yona and fights until he gets her out and they flee into the mountains.

            Now I am not going to give you word for word everything that happens in this anime or manga but basically Hak and Yona are told to go look for a priest / oracle to get a direction of what to do next. As they are looking for said person they run into a big group of soldiers that are looking for them. Hak fights them off but protecting the princess gets shot with a poison arrow. He is a demon with a blade basically because he is still taking them all on but the poison is starting to take its toll on him and the princess realizes he will die so she joins the fight to protect him. I found this sweet and funny at the same time. She basically realizes she is tired of running and hiding while her friend protects her all the time and as this realization happens and the leader of the army is holding her by her hair what does she do… well cut it of cores. I swear it was like watching Naruto all over again lol.

Well anyway when she gets mad or really determined her eyes burn like a fire is in her, it’s cool. 

In this I feel the anime did a better job than the manga. In the manga, you can tell she is mad by her eyes being more slanted but you don’t really see fire or anything but the anime you do. It was a nice effect that I liked.

 Well they both fall and everyone assumes they are dead. They luck out though because they are found by a boy named Yoon who fixes them back up. He is a bit full of himself but he is really smart he reads anything once and remembers it. 

His friend/ father figure is the oracle they were looking for and they are told the story of the crimson king and how if she wants to live and protect Hak she will need the 4 dragon warriors

There is way more to this part but I am not getting into it. So, she goes looking for the 4 dragon gods and has little adventures along the way. I like that Yona is growing up as she goes she is seeing her kingdom and realizing everything was not perfect. Yes her dad only wanted peace but in doing so his people suffered because corruption took root. Yona begs Hak to teach her how to fight and so he shows her how to shoot a bow and arrow. She practices throughout the series late at night getting stronger and stronger. She find the dragon worriers and its interesting because they each have their own issues the first one is the white dragon

 he was treated like a gift and loved. But the others were not as lucky the blue dragon was treated like a curse and hidden away he doesn't talk much but he is very sweet and he is my favorite one.
Can you blame me look at him he is so cute.
Next is the green dragon warrier. 
He seems to get a longer adventure then the others because they actually join a band of pirates to stop human trafficking and the princess is using herself as bait basically. I thought this was a interesting way of showing how much she has grown as a character. I mean she still shakes and is scared but she does it anyway. Her friend Yoon actually dresses up and goes with her to keep her safe.
 He is actually a year younger than her but you would not know it because he knows how to do so much. He is basically like the mother of the group and they tease him that he would make a good wife all the time.
Soon after the yellow dragon just pops up the easiest one to find.
 and they just head back to the orical to see what to do next. I thought yay they found everyone now the story will really began.... 
nope the yellow dragon askes Princess Yona what she wants to do? Does she want to keep running or take back her throne? She is unsure and the others don't know if that would be wise because she is only 16 years old and she is still learning about her kingdom that she was sheltered from. She comes to the conclusion that at this time she just wants to protect her kingdom and help bring it back to the glory that it once was. That is where it ends. I know the manga goes farther and there may be a season 2 of the anime out there or being made but I am not sure yet what happens. I personally want to keep watching or reading just to find out what happens to Princess Yona and Hak

those two drive me crazy. You can tell he has feelings for her but hid them because he knew she loved Soo won but as they spend more time together he is figuring out his true feelings for her. She on the other hand is not getting it she has feelings for him but they have not switched to romantically it's driving me crazy I want to smack her ugh!!!!!!
Anyway I feel like it is a good anime it is fun to watch and the art style is good. I like that is has its serious moments but it can joke around and changes its anime style throughout the anime it makes it fun. I hope they make a session 2 and when they do I will definitely do a part 2 for you.

Also like always I do not own any of these pictures or the anime :)

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